Grow Up Smiling Program

Some patients may be able to receive dental treatment under Medicare.

Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) / Grow Up Smiling Program

Services for basic essential dental treatment, such as check-ups, x-rays, fillings and extractions will be included in the CDBS, the total benefit entitlements will be capped at $1052 per child over a two year period.

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) will replace the Medicare Teen Dental Plan from 1 January, 2014. This $2.7 billion measure will provide a Commonwealth funded capped benefits entitlement for basic dental services for children.

Around 3.4 million children aged 2-17 in families who meet a means test will be eligible for benefits each year. The means test will be the same as the existing Medicare Teen Dental Plan , which requires receipt of Family Tax Benefit Part A or certain government payments.

Book a consultation

For dental emergencies please call us on (08) 9222 5900